Our Own Research

At Cell Therapy Sciences not only do we work with advanced, state-of-the-art cell-based technology, but we also conduct our own research, working with collaborators in both academia and veterinary practice. Watch the short video below to learn more.

We also conduct CPD events and offer laboratory-based stem cell research and cell characterisation services if required.

If you would like to arrange an in-clinic CPD or register your interest in forthcoming CPD Events please contact us via email.

To access our on-line CPD " Introduction to Regenerative Medicine" please request access via the following link to our secure web-page. " *

A few examples of our own Research 

Stem Cell Quality:  At CTSL we believe that cultured stem cells provide the highest probability of effectiveness and the highest standards of safety  for veterinary patients; this is not the same situation with the use of same-day "stem cells".

Armitage, Andy, et al.“Efficacy of autologous mesenchymal stromal cell treatment for chronic degenerative musculoskeletal conditions in dogs: A retrospective study” Sec. Veterinary Regenerative Medicine  Vet. Sci., 13 January 2023

Stem Cells in Arthritic Joint Fluid: 
We have demonstrated that exposure to osteoarthritic synovial fluid does not impact the viability of cultured adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells in dogs, when using either autologous or allogeneic cells.